Commercial Locksmith in Niagara Falls, NY
Better to be SAFE than SORRY!
As an authorized dealer of AMSEC (American Security Products) and Gardall Safes, we specialize in providing protection for both residential and commercial clients. Whether you are looking for fire safes, burglary safes, gun safes, jewelry safes, depository safes, pharmacy safes or safe depository boxes, we provide them all to meet your specific needs.
"The key to finding the right safe depends on many factors; including how and where it will be used. Commercial safes have different requirements than residential safes, and even within different industries the uses and applications will vary. We aim to assist you in finding the ideal safe for your application and budget as well as providing peace of mind that a smart purchase provides.”
-Anthony Rick, Owner

**Commercial & Residential**
We provide Commercial Locksmith Services in Niagara Falls, NY area!
We sell and service all types of door hardware!

Residential Clients - When it comes to safeguarding your cash and important documents, whether personal, financial or property documents, fireproof safes have become an affordable option, allowing you to keep your documents safe and within easy reach. Recognizing which documents deserve such protection can help you maximize the return on your investment. Your first priority in protecting your information should be your personal identity documents. Your passport, Social Security, birth certificate, any vital health records and a copy of your driver's license should go in your safe.
You might also include marriage or divorce documents, military records, degrees and professional licenses or certifications and wills.
Gun Safes – If you own firearms you need a gun safe. Always purchase a safe that is bigger than you think you need as your gun collection is bound to grow over time. A good safe is more than just a gun locker - it becomes a secure storage device for your family's other valuables as well and you will find you quickly fill up even a large safe rather quickly. You will not regret spending the money for the size, protection, and features you want. Your gun collection may be worth thousands of dollars therefore don’t hesitate to purchase a safe that fits your needs over time, remember safes don't wear out. Keep in mind never to store powder in your safe!

Commercial Clients - With technicians that are fully insured in any situation (public, private and government) you can trust Cataract Safe & Lock to provide and install security safes and/or vaults for your business possessions and assets. It can be confusing to choose which type of safe, brand and ratings you need for your business. We help eliminate the confusion and help you choose which safe is right for you.
Need a safe that is designed to fit in a certain space?
Call us today to learn more about our custom built safes.
We also offer professional delivery services and will bolt your safe down to a concrete or wood floor if necessary.
“Very helpful, knowledgeable staff. I went in looking to buy a safe, and they helped answer all my questions and point me in the right direction. All the safes were quality, not like the box stores. Also the store cuts keys, and can make duplicate car keys for the computer chipped keys! Great business.”
- Guest